Guideline for Presenters
Important Dates | |
Permission Form Sign Back Deadline: | July 31, 2019 |
Presentation Submission Deadline: | July 31, 2019 |
Registration Deadline: | August 15, 2019 |
Reformatting Deadline: | August 15, 2019 |
Submission Deadline
Please be advised that if your PowerPoint presentation is not received by July 31, 2019, it will not be included in the Symposium proceedings and you will be excluded from the agenda. Please submit your presentation file in PowerPoint format on-line by July 31, 2019.
■ Reformatting:
If your presentation is sent back to you for formatting and the formatting is not completed by August 15, 2019 deadline, you will be excluded from the agenda.
Permission to Publish
The Publication Permission Form must be completed for each presentation. Otherwise it will not be published in the proceedings and to be submitted to IEEE Xplore database.
Please fax a duly completed form to MS. Celia Shih at +886-3-5820056 by July 31, 2019.
Symposium Registration for Presenters
All presenters are required to register for the symposium. You will be excluded from the agenda if the registration process is not completed by August 15, 2019.
■ Speakers Unable To Attend:
If you're unable to attend or would like to replace yourself with a co-author, please contact Ms. Celia Shih immediately at 886-3-5917092 or celia@tsia.org.tw.
Presentation Format Requirement
All presentations must be submitted in Microsoft Power Point and will be projected using the data projector supplied by the Organizer. An overhead projector for transparencies will NOT be available. To ensure the information presented at the Symposium and the information in the proceedings are the same, last-minute changes to presentations will not be permitted.
■ Format:
Please design your presentation to be shown on a data projector. The optimal font size is 36 point for titles and 24 point for text. If the fonts are smaller, they cannot be read at the back of the room. Presentations MUST be in landscape page orientation; portrait-oriented files will be sent back to the author for reformatting. If reformatted presentations are not received by the August 15, 2019 reformatting deadline, the presentation will be removed from the agenda.
Presentation Power Point Template
■ Poster Format:
Poster board dimension: 90 cm(width)x180 cm(height)
Please leave a 25 cm (height) blank space at the top for the committee to indicate your poster information
Please bring the poster to the venue and paste it on the poster board before the symposium starts.
Poster will stay the entire conference and are expected to be mounted Friday morning.
Time of removal :18:00-18:30 pm.
Presenters' Instruction
Please locate your session chair prior to the start of your session to let them know you are there. Names of the session chairs will also be posted in the Program page a week or two prior to the Symposium. The session chairs will also be listed in the proceedings.
- Please arrive 15 minutes early to the A/V table to have the lapel microphone attached and tested. The microphone must be returned to the A/V table when your presentation is finished.
- Your presentation will be brought up on the data projector screen (no transparencies) automatically at the appropriate time.
- Presenters will have the use of a remote mouse to advance or reverse the Power Point slides.
- A laser pointer will be available from the podium.
- You will be given 15 minutes to give your presentation. You must keep to the allotted time. A timer will be available to help you monitor your time.
Speakers Suggestion
- Preparation is essential: Rehearse the delivery before a friend or group.
- Control your breathing: Speak slowly and distinctly in a normal voice. Hold your speaking level through to the end of each sentence; don't let your voice run down.
- Look at your audience: This holds their attention and allows you to project your voice into the room, rather than down at the lectern.
- Everyone enjoys humor, except: When it's inappropriate or poorly executed.
- Watch your time: Use an agenda to guide the audience and yourself throughout the presentation. During the rehearsal, determine at which point in time you should arrive at each topic. The session chair will manage adherence to the allocated time and speakers that exceed their allocated time will be removed from the podium.
- Be sensitive to your audience: Assume some familiarity with your topic in general.
- Keep language simple and understandable.
- Strive to clarify rather than to obscure; be explanatory not evasive. Avoid jargon and acronyms.
- Eliminate everything that isn't directly related to the point of your presentation.
- A listener who would like to talk further about your presentation can consult with you immediately after the session or make an appointment with you during or after the conference.
Confidentiality, Anti-Trust and Ethical Restrictions
TSIA Presentation Confidentiality Policy
The final presentation must NOT contain CONFIDENTIAL or PROPRIETARY information. We will reproduce your presentation for inclusion in the symposium proceedings. TSIA is solely responsible for acceptance or rejection of presentations. Materials that contain excessive marketing and insufficient technical content will be rejected.
All information presented at this meeting is considered NON-Confidential by TSIA. No material labeled confidential or proprietary (or similarly) will be presented or included in the proceedings. All information presented verbally will also be regarded as non-confidential.
Anti-Trust and Ethical Restrictions
All presenters are prohibited from discussing pricing, products, manufacturing capacity, output and territories. You may discuss previous, non-confidential business relationships as a normal way to indicate your level of experience.