Call for Papers
In collaboration with ISSM, the Symposium attends to recent technological advancements to align the needs of designers, manufacturers, equipment suppliers, software vendors, solution providers and researchers. It offers a public arena for the exchange of up-to-date experiences among manufacturers for adoption of technological developments. With green notions of supply/engineering/value chains, coverage of the joint symposium includes, but not limited to, the following topics of interests:
•Advanced Lithography •Autonomous Devices / Smart Systems •Benefits and Justification (ROI, CoO, OEE ...) •Big Data / Analytics / Machine Learning / AI •Business Continuity Plan/Risk Management •Contamination Control and Ultraclean Technology •Control Architecture/Engineering/IT Infrastructure •Cross-industrial Applications of PV/SSL/FPD/… •Data Collection/Quality/Storage/Management •Design for Manufacturing/Testing/Yield •e-Diagnostics, e-Manufacturing, and EEC •Engineering/Supply/Value Chains •Environment, Safety and Health •Equipment Control/Integration •Fab Management/Scheduling/Dispatching •Factory Design & Automated Material Handling •Factory Integration/Physics/Operations/Queueing |
•Fault Detection/Classification and Sensors •Final/Lean/Green/Smart/Intelligent Manufacturing •Green Energy / Sustainability •Industry 4.0/Internet of Things •Manufacturing Control and Execution Systems •Manufacturing Strategy and Operation Management •Predictive/Preventive Maintenance •Process and Material Optimization •Process and Metrology Equipment •Process Control and Monitoring •Process Modeling and Model-Based Simulations •Process/Tool/Sensor Integrations •Standards (Equipment, Communications, …) •Through Silicon Via & 3D Structures •Ultra High Productivity in High-Volume Manufacturing •Yield Enhancement and WIP Management •Other topics of interests … |
This Call for Papers is directed towards all industries but the communities of semiconductor, PV and SSL/LED (light-emitting diodes), flat-panel displays (FPD), packaging and testing are highly encouraged.
Submission Procedure
On-line electronic submission of manuscripts in MSWord must be made by June 1, 2019 June20, 2019. You should select the topic(s) your contribution best fits in from the list above.
Each paper (up to a maximum of 4-pages of A4-paper size, including texts and graphical illustrations) should clearly describe the purpose, the chosen approach, and the achieved results. Submission of insufficient length or detail shall be returned to the author(s) for amendments.
Presentations may be conducted in oral or interactive-poster formats. You may indicate your preference of presentation, and the program committee will decide the final selections. Presenters will be notified by June 20, 2019 July 4, 2019 and final presentations must be submitted in MS PowerPoint by July 31, 2019 August 20, 2019 in electronic format. Official language of the symposium is English.
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•Paper Submission