Globalization & Localization
The guiding principles of the World Semiconductor Council explicitly state that ‘markets will be open without discrimination’ amid its efforts to ‘expand international cooperation … to facilitate the healthy growth … from a long-term, global perspective’, and supports free markets of zero tariffs on semiconductor.
Globalization is ingrained in the genes of the semiconductor industry. Business operations benefit from zero-tariffs on one hand and mutually prepare themselves for global impacts from competitors on the other. Only with this free air can the semiconductor industry grow healthily. Any national closed-door policies will eventually choke its semiconductor economy to dwindling away.
The door of globalization swings in both directions. Therefore, maintaining a stronger position in global markets necessarily calls for deeper rooting of fundamental capabilities over wider spectra of localization. As the semiconductor industry gears itself up for frontal attacks worldwide, it better be prepared to embrace assaults from the rear.
The Organizers actively support collaborative efforts among strategic partners to challenge globalization with reinforced localization. This symposium focuses on ecosystem collaborations so that device designers, IP-providers, IC manufacturers, equipment makers, system developers, software vendors, and application creators can harmoniously cohabit synergistically to collectively take on globalization of free markets.
Towards this, the Organizers endeavour to bring together all the experts and researchers from different fields in the industries of semiconductor, photovoltaics and solid-state-lighting to share their latest developments, break-through advancements, practical experiences and innovative ideas. Our focus has always been on cross-collaborations, operational strategies, technological innovations, and business partnerships. Any topic with objectives of sustainable development remains as always our principal interest. Presentations on globalization and localization will be highly welcome and facilitated.
-- C.H
Technical Sponsors |
Ms. Celia Shih
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Rm. 802, Bldg. 53, 195, Sec. 4. Chung Hsing Rd., Chutung. Hsinchu, 310 Taiwan R.O.C